Broiled Salmon Recipe
This is one of our favorite ways to prepare salmon but works with any medium to large size fish, say of seven pounds or more. The best cut for this is a side fillet taken from the tail section/half of the fish because this area is fairly thin and, once filleted, has no bones.

To make clean up easy, place a section of aluminum foil over your broil pan and place your fillet onto it and under your broiler for 8 to 10 minutes; the exact timing will depend on the thickness of your fillet. The goal here is to not overcook the fish. Then, using a spatula, break up the meat. Now is the time to season your fish; what we do is sprinkle the meat with black pepper, garlic and onion seasoning. Then spread mayonnaise (the real stuff and not the low fat variety) onto the meat and place back under the broiler until the mayonnaise begins to brown, which should only take three-to-five minutes – it’s then ready to serve. It won’t take long for the mayonnaise to bubble, turn brown and melt into the meat, so keep a close eye on it and don’t leave the kitchen.
We like fish cooked this way served over white rice that has been sprinkled with a little celery salt.
Skinless, boneless section of fish no more than 1 inch thick.
Black pepper, celery salt, ground onion and garlic.

****Instructions For Filleting Salmon****
Just fillet one side off the fish making sure to remove the belly bones from the side fillet. Then fillet the skin off the section you wish to cook this way. This is best accomplished by placing the fillet on a flat surface, skin side down. A long, thin, straight-edged knife work best for skinning but can be accomplished with any standard fillet knife, providing it’s a sharp one. Begin your cut halfway down the side fillet just past the row of lateral bones that extend from the head end of the side fillet. Just cut down through the fillet to the skin and turn the blade of your knife parallel to the skin and, using a seesaw motion, remove the skin all the way back toward the end of the fillet. Once you have the meat separated from the skin, flip it over and cut any skin left hanging on the fillet away. Now is also the time to remove what I call the mud line from the fillet which is a thin layer of brown fatty tissue which is the thickest along the center line of the fillet. The cooking is easy once you have the boneless skinless fillet removed from your trophy.