Rob’s Simple Simon Salmon

- Salmon filet (preferably chinook, coho or sockeye)
- Half cube of butter
- One whole lemon
- Seasoning salt (Johnny’s, Mrs. Dash etc.)
Wash the salmon filet in cold water and let dry.
Put the half cube of butter in a dish. Squeeze the lemon juices in with the butter. Place the dish in the microwave and heat for 30-45 seconds, until the butter melts. Shake a couple table spoons of the seasoning salt into the mix and stir well.
Place the fillet on a grill, heated to medium high heat, and then baste the fillet with the butter/lemon mix. Do that again after a few minutes. Cook for 10 minutes and then turn the fillet over.
NOW HERE IS THE TRICKY PART. You want to turn the fillet over but leave the skin on the grill as it acts as a shield between any flames and meat, and helps hold the juices and butter with the fish. To turn the fillet, slide your spatula gradually between the skin and meat. It should slide easily. Once you have the meat separated from the skin, just flip it over and place it right back down on the skin. (If it there is a lot of the brown fatty tissue along the center line, you will see it now. I like to scrape it off because I don’t like the flavor. Some people do but now is the time to remove it if there is any there.) Baste again and let cook until done. That could be another 5-10 minutes depending on the thickness of the fillet. Do not overcook. No one except my mother likes dried out fish.
No mayonnaise, no aluminum foil, no brown sugar, no soy sauce. Just three simple ingredients. If you have a good spring chinook, coho or sockeye fillet this will beat any fancy seafood restaurant all to pieces. Serve with potato salad, fresh corn on the cob, maybe a Caesar salad, some fruit and your favorite glass of wine. It’s the perfect summer grilling meal…any time of the year!